Friday, March 19, 2010

time flies

Wow, 3 weeks have come and gone and we are rapidly approaching the fourth week of life for our new baby Layla. I have sat down a few times at the computer set out to post a new blog and time after time have found myself at a loss for words. Who knew a major life change like this would leave me speechless? I thought I would have stories and questions and updates to share, but all that comes to mind is.. well.. nothing. Not sure if this is good or bad, but I am going to take it as good! I guess it could be much worse! I guess I can just report that all is well with our new babe, and Gabriella is adjusting really well to her new sister.
I have been fortunate enough to have had Nana here for the last 3 weeks to help with the cooking, cleaning, playing, changing, burping, laundry... you get the picture! Now I am left to figure it out on my own and so far so good. I only wonder, and I mean no judgment, how could anyone survive having 19 kids? who wants to be up every 4 hours in the night for their whole life?? I love my kids but listen, Mom needs some sleep! So far the hardest thing for me is getting back to sleep, for anyone that knows me well they know that I have and always will struggle with my sleep. Add a newborn to that equation and VOILA tired mummy. So far the battle is the late morning feed anything after 5 am and I cannot go back to sleep, this is proving to be extremely frustrating and obviously tiring. But this too shall pass! All I wish is that I had a HUGE soaker tub and could get up and have a nice hot bubble bath and maybe 5:30 could be mummy time. Not ideal but if I am going to be up I might as well be relaxing in a bath... but then I come to terms with my reality and my small square horribly uncomfortable tub is just not going to cut it in the wee hours of the morning.
So I am off to bed, to attempt to get a few hours of sleep before the hard part of the night arrives. I am glad it's the weekend, and maybe I can stay in bed tomorrow all I know is there will be a BIG cup of coffee ready for me when I am up all thanks to my wonderful husband! Sleep well all you who don't have babies! Get a few hours of sleep for me =)

1 comment:

  1. Sleep deprivation is by far the most difficult thing about being a parent for me. I do not function well on less than 7 hours of sleep - 9 hours is ideal. So, you can see that me + newborns = not awesome.
    My sympathies and prayers are with you, my friend.

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