Wednesday, March 31, 2010

not funny

Today is the day that I think I might have lost my mind officially. Let me paint a little picture for you...
After a long night of roughly 3-4 hours of sleep, my gracious husband informed me that he would stay home to take care of the girls and allow me to get some rest. Little did I know this day would turn into anything but restful. I decided that I would take advantage of him being home and run quickly into town to superstore to pick up the things we needed for family coming into town for Easter. I thought to myself, great It will be so much easier without the girls. I can get in and out and get home to rest for the rest of the day..... hmmmm not so much.
I arrive at superstore and have taken Dave's car and left him the truck with the car seats, I go to get my cart and realise there is an older man that is yanking on his cart trying to get it loose. I offer to help because I have found myself in the same situation before and this is no way to start your time at the chaos that we call superstore. I free the cart for him and get my own, head into the store race around to get my things, make it to the till without too much damage to my credit card and then head for the door. Now I have never lost anything before. Never my wallet, phone, or keys so to my horror I am rummaging around in my purse to find no keys.... panic sets in. This is not what I need on this day of utter exhaustion. I push my cart outside searching around on the ground thinking I may have dropped it when I was so kindly helping a stranger. Why is karma not on my side? NO key. I return to the store and circle the same round 300000 times and still no key, I call dave, pretty much full panic attack now. "Tired hormonal crazy lady in aisle 3" I hear come over the speakers.. ok I added that part, but Im sure they were close to that when I got on my hands and knees and went up and down the aisles looking underneath all of the shelving to see if someone had kicked it underneath... still nothing. I am at a loss. Now normally to any sane person this would be not such a big deal, to me, on the brink of insanity, exhausted and overly emotional, this is the end of the world. It would also be much easier to deal with this moment if I knew at home there was a sweet little back up key sitting waiting to be brought to me and solve all my problems.. no such luck either. We decided to buy a stupid car with an electric key and no back up. Now this lovely car of ours is also a royal pain to tow as well because it is an all wheel drive and the wheels are all locked without the key.. great. we need a special flat bed truck and even with this truck they have to drag the car to get it on top. Rad. So as the $$$$$ are adding up in my mind, I am tinkering with the thought of never leaving the house again and becoming a hermit. I feel like a failure and I usually pride myself on being very organized and on top of things, not so much anymore. Im not sure if it is just me or if other mom's lost their minds when the had their kids, mine has not returned and I am debating on wether it will or if I am doomed to a life of forgetting, losing and ultimately being frustrated with myself over these things. .... here is where I find myself, no brain, no car, no self asteem, and out a lot of money to put the cherry on top of my day. What did I do to deserve this again? Oh thats right, I helped a stranger in need... hmmm that doesn't add up. I guess that's the way life is though, not always adding up. So now I am at home, trying to calm down and take care of those that cannot take care of themselves. Its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you are in a place like this in your life, But I am holding on to the thought that somewhere in this darkness there is indeed some light... now just to find it

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry! And to answer your question, you aren't the first woman to lose her mind after having a baby. I'm not quite sure if mine's really recovered, to be honest. ;) Sleep deprivation, hormonal levels, demands on time are all a wonderful concoction for the emotions. Don't be too hard on yourself. I love you! Hugs!
