Friday, July 23, 2010

windy road

So I am coming to realize that life is not easy.... I know what your thinking... uh, ok captain obvious. But I truly mean that, not in the silly obvious way, but deeper than that. Learning to walk the windy road and not always be able to see around the corner is not an easy task, and sometimes it's rewarding when you get to the other side of the bend, and some times its just another up hill stretch, so you take a deep breath and keep on walking. This is where I am. I thought we were going to come to a flat stretch and we would be able to enjoy the walk for a while, but slowly the corner came and now that we are to the other side it's looking like another climb. This might sound a little hokey pokey to you and you might be wondering... why are you walking so much lol. It's the only way I can describe what I am feeling. I look at my life as a journey, and to be on a journey you must move, therefor I picture myself walking... maybe even jogging (said with my best anchorman voice "jogging. I believe it's jogging or yogging. it might be a soft j. I'm not sure but apparently you just run for an extended period of time. It's supposed to be wild") ANYWAYS =) The lesson I am learning is that life is not easy... sometimes it's hard, and there is not reward, but that does not mean that you just stop the journey, you must keep walking.
The things I am thankful for are that along this journey I am not alone, I have a wonderful husband to keep my company and keep the journey fun, even climbing the hills we can always find something to laugh about, and my kids they are my reason to keep walking, because around every bend in this windy journey I am on, they are changing, growing and learning along with me and Dave, and that is a beautiful thing. To teach them that life is hard and you do not always enjoy the things going on around you, but you keep strong and have faith that you will always be taken care of and you are loved buy Dave and I and a Father that will always catch you if you stumble and be your comfort along the way.
Then just when you were getting used to the pace of the uphill climb, you turn another corner and there it is... the flat beautiful calm place your reward for your perseverance. Here is where I find myself now, I thought we were at the top of the hill, ready to relax, but this is not the case, another hill awaits. So with faith that our perseverance to move along this journey will be honored, we press on!!! Unknowing what awaits us, but happy to be learning together as a family.

1 comment:

  1. Love you so much dear your heart and the attitude you I remember running in your area, there are no flats..alot of hills, some of steeper grade than others...but those with less grade give enough reprive to gain strength for the more challenging...and the reality being that your Father is with you all the way...(when I am weak, then am I strong)...and the bonus being that you can actually climb with joy! Love you all so much
